I love Koreatown in the springtime…

Wherein I blog about all things Korean in Los Angeles

What to do if you accidentally turn your blog language into Korean September 6, 2006

Filed under: Korean language — Raven @ 4:56 am

So today I was browsing Blogger trying to figure out how to put Korean letters/words in my blog. I found a help post about localization where you could pick any of several languages for your blog. So I chose Korean. What happened next? I was taken to my Blogger dashboard… where ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS WERE NOW IN KOREAN!

A taste of what I saw:
I may be good, but I’m not quite that good. Quickly I hit backspace, only to discover that the Korean localization had now taken over my help page as well. I could still tell where the list of languages was, so I picked the top one at a guess (I don’t know how to say English in Korean, so I had no idea which language it would be). Luckily my reliance on American egocentricity was foolproof, and the top language was indeed English. So I am back to English now.

I still haven’t figured out how to insert the odd Korean word into my blog in the correct alphabet.

I hope the picture comes through okay. This is my first attempt to add a pic to my blog.


Snakes on a Plane September 4, 2006

Filed under: movies & film — Raven @ 3:16 am

The title says it all. You’re there to watch snakes on a plane, and by golly you get two hours of snakes on a plane. Well, probably not quite a full two hours because (1) I’m not sure how long the movie is and I’m too lazy to check and (2) there are a few minutes of hokey setup at the beginning. There’s also a little bit of the FBI and stuff stuck in here and there. But for the most part it’s all about the snakes on the plane.

The villains are, of course, Korean. Everybody knows Koreans are evil. Especially Koreans who live in LA. They are particularly evil. So it makes perfect sense that these evil cold-blooded LA Koreans would release evil cold-blooded exotic snakes on the plane.

Leis are evil too. Keep this in mind next time you travel to Hawaii.

I’m not sorry I saw it, but I won’t need to see it again anytime soon. Oh, the music video at the end is kinda funny. But not *that* funny.