I love Koreatown in the springtime…

Wherein I blog about all things Korean in Los Angeles

They’ve got parking! November 16, 2007

The Korean Film Festival has somehow prevailed on the City of Los Angeles to cover the meters near the theater so festival goers can park there all day without paying a cent. This is exciting! And here everyone thought I was going to blog about the actual festival. No. I’m blogging about the parking. I think I’ve been in LA too long… Anyway, if you’re going to the festival and you don’t feel like looking for street parking in the neighborhood north of Beverly, feel free to park at one of the meters with a red cover.

Okay. Now I’m actually going to talk about the festival. It kicked off with a panel with Roy Lee, Jonathan Kim, and Zak Kadison (if you don’t know who they are or want to know what the panel was about, go here), followed by a reception where folks could feast on egg rolls and kimbap and fruit and sundry other goodies while chatting with the panelists and Kim Tai Shik, director of the opening night film. The good thing about the reception was that it was small enough that you actually could chat with these people if you chose to.

The opening film itself, Driving With My Wife’s Lover, wasn’t exactly what I expected. I don’t know why I thought it was going to be plot-driven, but it was actually character-driven. I think Kim Tai Shik did a good job with it, but you have to be into arthouse-type movies to appreciate it. If you are, check it out.

At certain points random things happen in the film, and Kim Tai Shik said he put them in precisely because they were random. He said random things happen in life, and they can take on meaning to the people they’re happening to. So he stuck a few into his film, I guess to see if any meaning would stick. Maybe it did; he seems very open to hearing what other people see in his work instead of prescribing what you’re supposed to see.


Korean Film Festival reminder November 14, 2007

The 2007 Korean Film Festival is almost here! It starts tomorrow. Click for the schedule. And for synopses of the various films, go here and click on the film posters.

I’ll be at the panel discussion, and I’m currently planning on seeing the opening and closing films plus My Wife Is a Gangster (I’ve been dying to see that one forever, so there’s no way I’m missing it), Save the Green Planet (sounds funny), and A Bittersweet Life. I need to catch one or two more on Friday and Saturday, but I haven’t decided which yet. If anybody who doesn’t know me wants to say hi, look for the tallish white girl with dark hair and glasses and a press pass.

The festival is at the Fairfax 3, conveniently located on Beverly. Gotta love a theater named after a street it’s not on.

If any of you are going and want to do a guest review of any of the films, let me know.


Korean Film Festival coming up! November 2, 2007

I’m so tempted to just post the press release. But then everybody would know I managed to get my hands on it… Oh wait, I just gave that away. Oh well.

Anyway, the first annual Korean Film Festival in LA (first, that is, according to the release, although I’m positive I heard about one a couple years back) will be taking place November 15-17 at the Fairfax 3 Theaters and will include more than 15 films. I don’t know if there are going to be any panels or Q&A sessions or anything, although I’m hoping so. The opening film will be Driving With My Wife’s Lover (the title alone makes me want to see it), in which a guy finds out his wife is having an affair with a taxi driver, so he seeks out the guy and hires him for a long-distance taxi ride. What he’s hoping to accomplish I don’t know; I guess I have to see it to find out.

The closing film will be a gangster flick called A Show Must Go On and starring Song Kang Ho, although it sounds like it’s less gangster flick and more work/family comedy in a gangster setting. That could be interesting. The festival is sponsored by KOFIC USA (the Korean Film Council, see link to the right), which says this about itself: “KOFIC’s objective has been to increase the awareness and appreciation of Korean films by promoting the development of both Korean and Korean American films.” Hey, I wonder if they’ll give me money to make my Korean-lead movie. But maybe before asking them I should do something like, you know, write the script…

Anyway, this festival is also sponsored by the Korean Cinematheque, the Korea Times, and the Hollywood Reporter, and its theme is: “It’s Alive: Korean Film Genre Hybrids and Hollywood Remakes.” I’ll be there in a professional capacity, as press, but the blog will benefit as well. 🙂